Here it is, finally, my latest poem titled DEEP DIVE -OMNIA VANITAS-. If you have not read THIS yet, I suggest you do for the poem you are about to read is a very special one. Resulting of a 4 months of thinking and of the elaboration of a new style, it is the first poem I ever present to the world after the publishing of my book The Ordeal of The Hourglass, and one of my best I do think. I sincerely hope you will enjoy it, and be aware that it is different from what you have read from me before and that it could be shocking.
- Omnia Vanitas -
I - Dream of A New World
II - The Other Side
III - Omnia Vanitas
IV - Descent of The Dominion
V - Angel of Light
VI - Dies Irae
VII - Metatron
VIII - A New Day
IX - Omnia Vanitas -Reprise-
X - Love
In paradisum deducant te Angeli
- Dive into the deep slumber you have always desired -
Chorus angelorum te suscipiat
- Let it guide you to the land created by the Angels -
Aeternam habeas requiem
- Rest in peace, for they will come when the time is right -
I - Dream of A New World
For the sake of Reunion
Let me fall into a deep slumber
So profound it would last a thousand years
So that I can awake in a New World
Somewhere where you might be
Divine angel from overspace dimension of light
Penetrate me with all of your might
Enter me deep throughout anywhere you can
And make my body yours
Take total control over my being
Our fusion might lead the way
Through a time-resisting sleep
A never-ending corridor of darkness
Leading to a door I wish I could find the key for
Made one with my angelic master
I have the power, I am stronger
And I know I will find my way
Let me sleep
Of a deep sleep
The deepest sleep
From which I will awake anew
From which I will be reborn
In a New World
A new life
All through a slumber as shallow as a deep dive…
…into pure darkness : The Rose And The Cross
II - The Other Side
So this was the key after all these years
Of forlorn misery, alone locked in darkness
Loneliness washed away by the will of the Empress
Drinking to her cup the sweet poison of reunion
Eden existed after all these years of lusting
In a dream which never was
In the vain illusion of intertwined worlds;
Parallel destinies, non-existing realms
Time which seemed to hold its scythe towards me
In all of reality’s light was my ally
I had taken a deep dive into darkness
Into a deep slumber from which to awake I was not
Yet the Empress had other plans
And with her crystalline touch has led me to reunion
A sweet twist of time
And shattered reality
To lead me all towards you
Whom my heart desired more than anything
Angel, sweet angel
Guided by your hand
I have received your gift
Of awakening on the other side
Other side of darkness; of a hopeless realm
And opened the eternal door
Which was locked by the unforgiving Inquisitor
And now to you, my Love
Those words shall reach you
Through wings of silver and crystal
Above all of the daylight’s lies
They shall come to you
I have taken the step towards death
And braved the abyss of eternity
To conquer, kill and destroy Time
All for you, for my lust of your heart
I am immortal
All for the love of you
Spiritus promptus est, caro autem infirma… Time shall cease
to exist, we shall become eternal
III - Omnia
vanitatum, et omnia vanitas
Life is but a passage in time
Yet time could cease its existence
An bring to eternity true love
Collige, virgo,
Dum flos novus
et nova pubes,
Et memor esto
aevum sic properare tuum.
Like the Rose, every existence is meant to end
Even the rarest beauty to whither and fade
Amor volat undique
Captus est libidine
But Love is the gift of eternity
Flying everywhere, yet so rare
Passion for the eternity rarest of all
Is the only key to the never-withering garden
My Love
There is no Eden
For you are Eden
There is no Time
For you are Eternity
And together we shall conquer Time
And Space
An become One through Eternity
Life might fly and Beauty might fade
Yet Passion will remain
And Love will burn forever
There is only one Eternity
Love is eternal
I am eternal
All for the love of you…
Omnia vanitas,
sed amor aeternus est… Here where the
Cross and the Rose part ways…
IV - Descent of
The Dominion
Dominatio - The
Dominions, Lords of all Angels, their beauty surpasses anything known to the
human world, yet they shall never be seen, unless…
Eternity of love
Not one of His designs
Triggering the divine lord’s wrath
On this new world I can see him descending
One of Cosmos’ angels
A Dominion
Is he coming for me?
What have I done wrong?
Our divine union
With the archangel and my own self
Has troubled the heavens and beyond
On this new day
In this new world
I see the eve of it…
… War
V - Angel of
Together we are strong
Stronger than any Dominion
Heaven’s host can do nothing against us
For our master is Lucifer
The Angel of Light
Forsaken by God
For being the human’s savior
Victim of treason
The conqueror of reason
He is here on this new world
To help us win this war
Stronger than any legion
Fairer than any god
You will fight for us
I have seen for myself the beauty of an angel
Tasted seraphic lust
Drank from the source of the image of God
Pierced by the lights of heaven
I felt the orgasm of a celestial crime
Tasted the forbidden fruit of passion with one of
God’s chosen
Got torn apart by a sweet angelic blade
An abomination to their eyes
Yet the dream of every man
And we will fight for ourselves
Along the angel of light
All of you who have suffered
You are not alone
Join us
For together we are strong
Under the wings of Lucifer
The Angel of Light
Our One guide and guardian
VI - Dies Irae
Dies irae, dies
- Day of wrath -
Solvet saeculum
in favilla
- On this day the world shall end -
Dies Irae, wrath of God
I can hear their distant chant
We shall fight in the Angel’s blood
We have caused the fall of Man
Quantus tremor
est futures
- Fear in the heart of men -
Quando judex est
- For on this day the Judge will come -
This unforgiving Lord sent off
His Dominion, fair and lust-granting assassin
To mock his unwanted creation
Tuba mirum
spargens sonum
- From afar we can hear the music of the Angels-
Coget omnes ante
- One who summons Men in front of God’s Throne -
On this day whence he sent his slave
To mock, judge, and assassinate us
We will fight back
And with the power of light
With the power of love
With the power of life
And with His Grace, our brother Lucifer
We will fight
We will win
And forever and ever
We will kill, destroy and ban in nothingness
The cause of all our suffering
The tyrant
VII - Metatron
And on this day the fairest Assassin was defeated
The Dominion exterminated
And the way to Metatron - voice of God - finally open
The final door
The ultimate goal of Men
The door to God
Lucifer meets Metatron
Back to his creator
Creatures of beauty
Victim of betrayal and the traitor
A final fight
A decisive struggle
With power of all mankind, Lucifer’s chosen
And the Angel of Light
The Metatron perishes
Never to come back
And it is on that day
The God was put to death…
VIII - A New Day
I have tasted angelic love
I have tasted human love
It is, love is, what makes us stronger
We, forever, defeated the Master
One who enslaved us
Together we are stronger
Than has ever been our creator
There is nothing Man cannot conquer
For on this day
Mankind and Angelkind is made one
Heavenly beauty descending on Eden
The sun set on this world for the final time
As this night will be the last
Before the dawn of a New World
A dream finally made true
IX - Omnia
Vanitas -Reprise-
vanitatum, et omnia vanitas
When the Rose and the Cross parted ways
Everything changed forever
Omnia vanitas,
sed amor aeternus est
Life is vain, life is short, yet Love is eternal
Life and time depend on each other
Yet with God’s demise, Time died
And eternity forever was brought on mankind
And now on this new day
In the world rebuilt anew
We can finally, truly be together
X - Love
Amor volat
Love is not a flying illusion
Withering with time
Now time is dead
And Hope is eternal
Together we fought
Together we conquered
Together we are one
I exist only for you
In eternity and in time
My heart is, has always been, and always will be yours
My Love
I have taken a deep dive
Into the darkness, on the other side
I awoke from a painful slumber
Into a world reborn anew
To be with you, my Love
Is all I ever desired
There is no God to stop us now
No Time or Space to separate us
Our Hearts are together
And we are stronger
Than All
We are One
By Love’s bond
…I Love You
David ''Hope Alexander'' Giroux, unauthorized partial or complete
reproduction and/or publication of this work is strictly prohibited,
The Ordeal of The Hourglass and all its content is protected by the
CIPO copyright laws. All rights reserved. This text strictly belongs to its author.
Art by Ayami Kojima
Ça paraît que t'es amoureux, je te le dis tout de suite hahaha (si toi-même tu l'avais pas remarqué cough cough XD).
ReplyDeleteY'a une évolution de l'histoire dans le 6e poème où tu parles de Lucifer et Dieu qui est le tyrant (il condamne beaucoup de groupes sociaux après tout :P), Dieu qui peut être tué, et puis un retour dans "A new day" et la fin du temps qui permet de retrouver ton amour. ^^ Aww, c'est cute! Je peux voir plusieurs métaphores dans la bataille contre Dieu, et on peut dire que beaucoup l'ont fait aussi, cette bataille. J'aime comment tu décris tout ça, en finissant avec "The God was put to death…"
Je crois pas que ce soit un changement de style spécifique, mais plutôt une évolution de ton style poétique, et j'aime que tu aies changé la thématique qui est devenue beaucoup plus personnelle, mais sans en dire vraiment si on te connaît pas.
Continue sur cette lancée, mon bébé (niark niark)! <3