Wednesday, December 19, 2012

DEEP DIVE - First look -

Mark Rothko, Colour Field
Hello dear readers!

So a while ago I stated on Facebook that I would post a new poem I had been working on for a while. I will hold to my promise and do so, but not yet haha :P Before I decided to post this comment about this upcoming poem so you know what to expect and also because I like to tease. People who have known my writing and followed me for a while know that I rarely do this, usually I just let my reader do the interpretation of what they are going to read by themselves, but since this poem is part of a new project, one that I have been working on since I finished The Ordeal of The Hourglass back in 2009, I thought  I would take a different approach.

First, here is a title. The new poem I am teasing and am about to post is titled Deep Dive. It is part of a new project I am working on, of which I will not yet reveal the title. All I can say is I have been on it since I finished all the writings for Ordeal, so that means since 2009, and I must say I have finished a few poems since them, some of which I am proud and some I dont like so much, but Deep Dive definitely is, in my opinion, one of the best I have written and one I am most satisfied with.

With Deep Dive and the new poems of this new poetic project I am working on, I worked hard and experimented a lot to elaborate a new poetic style and a new aesthetic I have called Chaotic Poetry. As some of you might know, I had called poems of Ordeal Erotic Poetry. The Erotic influence is still a lot present on these new poems, though I can say the Chaotic style I have elaborated is much more different. The Erotic poetry was more about the beauty of words, the poetic arrangements, rythm, the overall sound and the erotic power of the word themselves, it was actually closer to symbolism than anything else. This new chaotic poetry I have created is more about the pure and raw power of the meaning, what the poem means, it is poetry in its purest form, as Chaos is the essence of everything. This poetry is a lot less centered on rhyme and rhythm, it is about the feeling, the emotion in its purest essence. It is hard to describe what the Chaotic style really is like and the best way to understand it is to read it. But I would say it is poetry that is meant to be pure energy, a totally immersive experience in which the reader doest not follow a straight line nor a point and is not choked by useless forms and word plays. To illustrate this blog post, I have chosen the painting Colour Field by the artist Mark Rothko. I think this painting is, on a pictural way, close to the poetic style I have elaborated and called the chaotic poetry, this painting is pure and essential and is not restrained by the image, it is just colour in its purest and strongest form, as are chaotic poems meant to be with words. 

And now, more about the heart of the subject, which is the poem Deep Dive in itself. This poem, divided in 10 parts, is one of the longest and most elaborated I have ever written. I have decided to base it on christian mythology but it could have been based off any other religion or legend and it does not reflect my religious opinion at all, but I have decided to use it as a vessel to carry the important message of this poem. As the other poems that are part of this chaotic poetry project, I have decided to make it controversial. Taking elements people take for granted and tearing them apart, showing the other side of a story, one people do not look at usually. In this case, it is about the character of Lucifer. Everyone knows who he is, the devil, evil in its purest form. But has anyone ever thought, what if he was actually good and God was the bad one in the story? Lucifer at first was an angel, the angel of light, though he was banned from the heavens for having tried to give knowledge to the race of Men, an act which God did not approve. I think Lucifer could be considered the Christian equivalent of the Greek titan Prometheus who was banned from Olympus for having given fire to the humans. Anyway, that is how I have decided to portray the character of Lucifer in this poem, meaning one who has always been close to the humans and had been punished by God for this. 

That is the main subject of this poem, though it is not the only one. The poem is also about Love. Love was in fact the driving force that inspired me into writing this piece, one of the purest and strongest emotions a human can ever feel, it is what gave me the poetic inspiration I needed to write an epic piece like this one. So Love is the Chaos in this piece, all of it is tainted of this particular emotion, as a poem of the chaotic style is meant to be. As much as it influenced the piece, it is also present in it, being the strenght of human in this poem and what separates them and, ultimately, makes them stronger than the race of God, the Angels.

Another concept being extremely central in Deep Dive and all the other poems I have been working on recently, and that has also influenced the title of this blog is the Vanitas. Vanitas is a latin term that is used to express the ephemerality of the human life and how it is frail and not meant to last long. It is a reminder that everyone ends up dying and that life is only vanity, but that this vanity is pointless for in the end, we all die, and we all die equal. I use this concept a lot in my poetry to express the paradox between life and death, eternity and passing time, and in the case of Deep Dive, the duality between the frailty the human race and the immortality of the Angels.

Soon this poem will be published here, on this blog, and with all of this you should be able to appreciate it more. I do hope you like it, though be aware it is something completely different from what you are used to read from me, and also it could be shocking for some people, as it has some controversial themes in it. Being controversial and shocking is a center force of the chaotic poetry. The point is not to insult people, but to make realize that what we can take for granted in life sometimes might not be the truth. The point is to make readers think, think that there is something else out there, that what can seem awfully wrong at first can be, in reality, good and wise for someone else. Deep Dive contains a cruel God, the Devil portrayed as a hero, and a human having sex with an angel (and yes, this poem has explicit (not so explicit actually because it is, after all, a poem XD) sexual references, but who doesn't like that anyway ;) ?), so be aware, and be prepared, for what you are about to read will, I sincerely hope so, make you react, in a good or a bad way, that is yours to decide ;)

With Love,


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