Monday, April 28, 2014

100TC #4 - Seeking Solace

Day four of the 100 Themes writing challenge. Today's theme, Seeking Solace, might take an unexpected turn ;) Enjoy :)


A Game of Chess

“Tis not easy being the Queen. Everyone thinks I am living a life of glamour and luxury, bathing in gold and filling my stomach with the most delectable dishes this land has ever borne. Well of course, there is some of that indeed. What do you think I do with all those taxes collected from that insignificant mass of illiterate imbeciles? Of course I ask for more than I need, that is one of the perks of being the Queen. But who would not do that being in my stead? Everyone would do the same of course. Luxury, gold, infinite wealth, those are only distractions, they are meaningless. ‘Tis just the natural order of things, to have those peasants build my wealth, that is just how the world has always worked and that is how it will keep working. There are some people who are born to rule, and some who are born to work for us.

All of this is of no consequence to me indeed. As I was saying - and don’t you dare interrupt me again - ‘tis not easy being the Queen. Yes I bathe in gold but that does not mean I have an easy life. There are so many... annoyances to deal with. Nuisances, crawling in every nook and cranny of my kingdom only there to conspire on making my life a nightmare. For example, having to deal with the boring problems of those pesky peasants. Erg, only to think of it makes me sick. They come here all the time, seeking audience with me... seeking solace. It is pathetic. I know not what they want of me. I am Queen; do you really think I have time to deal with the insignificant problems of that pack of ignorant fools? I have FAR better things to do. Queen things! ... - WHAT IS IT AGAIN?! -”

The poor ink-bird was tired. The scribe was using the poor little creature, under order from the Queen, to write down everything she was saying. Only the ink-bird, who is used like a living pen by the nobility for the ink it produces from its beak, had become so tired he just collapsed on the shiny floor. The scribe left a squeak, hence the Queen’s reaction. She did not like being interrupted. He very well knew what that meant.


The Queen’s guards always had axes at the ready, for they were aware of her penchant for... beheadings. And so very swiftly the Queen’s order was executed, as she watched with delight.

“Oh well... Guess I need a new scribe now. BRING ME A NEW SCRIBE! Let us just hope this one won’t dare interrupt my tantalizing tale again.” She sighed of a very deep sigh, “as I was saying, ‘tis not easy being the Queen.” 


Art by John Tenniel
(C) Copyright 2014 Hope Alexander aka David Giroux for the text

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