Tuesday, August 19, 2014

100 TC #13 - Sorrow

Hello friends :) For number 13 of the 100 Themes Writing Challenge, I have decided to do a poem, which is a first for this writing challenge. I thought it would do a change from the usual short stories, I hope you still enjoy it ;) This piece is inspired by Oscar Wilde's Picture of Dorian Gray, though is not about it directly nor about the characters :P Let me know what you think and as usual, thank you for reading :) 


The Picture of Dorian Gray

Hide your sins behind that dusty painting on the shelf
Where cloaked in a shroud of lies is the disgraceful truth
Which you try to keep and relive in a long gone youth
The worst of lies; ‘tis the one you keep telling yourself

Just like Dorian sold his soul to the forces of evil
For all of his dreams and desires to come true
You keep yours secret and out of sight; unreachable
Consuming your being up to the very core of you

Where all do see but a smiling face; I see the hidden tears
Behind a wall of fake happiness you made for yourself
Built so strong you have fooled your mind and all of your fears
Thinking no one would see what is on the portrait itself

Keep blaming this world for the cause of your sorrow
Saying it was not built for you, for the desires you hide
But know you can make your very own tomorrow
If you stand your ground and follow your own tide

Temptation is not there only to taunt you, it is your way
For the lore of the cursed painting taught us there is no riddance
And it is not worth fighting; not yielding is leading you astray
So listen to your heart, shut out your brain and take a chance

What you think is unreasonable is the truth you desire
Trying to hide it is only wronging you, carving scars
In your own portrait, the one you hide which sees you suffer
So stop denying what you really want and break the bars

All you will get from staring at yourself is death
And there is no hiding the truth from the eye of empathy
Just like the picture of Dorian saw him take his last breath
I shall see your sorrow hidden in smile until your last breath

That is unless you decide to make destiny your own
And break these sinful chains that bind you to what you assume is right
A righteousness which will cause pain long after you are gone
A lie only yourself were fooled with; as that painting lives in the night

(C) Copyright 2014 Hope Alexander aka David Giroux for the text
Picture found here

Friday, August 8, 2014

100 TC #12 - Tears

Hehehe... Well I am saying this all the time now... I know I am still a bit late for this publishing but it's here, it's all that matter I guess... right? Anyway, for the number 12 of the 100 Themes Writing Challenge I decided to do something new, which is a story that is going to be separated in different parts. I wanted to do a one shot short story like I've done for the 11 previous numbers, but then I realised this story I started has the potential to be longer than this, so I will split it in different parts throughout this writing challenge. So here is part 1, I really do hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading! (And I will try to post number 13 sooner xD) (Oh and by the way I was too lazy to proofread so I am sorry if there are some mistakes left :P)


Whatever Happened To Ruby
Part I

"This tea is salty", said Emerald, leaving his porcelain cup on the table.

"EWWWWWW GROSS", shouted the young Topaz as he threw his stuffed bunny plush toy at Emerald's cup, sending it flying towards the floor, the impact smashing the cup in a thousand pieces.

Garnet, a young girl with bright blue eyes, started giggling at the scene. Emerald was a bit shocked at what just happened and did not react. Topaz got up his chair and ran towards his toy, taking it in his arms and screaming in victory.

"Topaz did the right thing", said Garnet. "This tea is disgusting, smashing it was the only thing to do. Who wants to drink salty tea?"

"I know", said Emerald. "Salted-Tea drinkers of course!"

"Stop it!!!" Shouted Topaz, holding his precious stuffed toy tight in his arms, "stop telling lies Emerald! No one believes you! There's no such thing as Salted-Tea drinkers!"

Topaz was a couple of years younger than his friend Emerald, yet he was very clever for his age. He did not believe everything he was told. Yet, what Emerald said was normally listened to with great attention, as he was a few years older than his both friends and so he was the voice of wisdom to them. But Topaz wasn't always fooled by everything he said.

"Of course there are", replied Emerald. "Why, otherwise, do you think salted tea would exist? If it exists it is because someone somewhere likes it, that makes sense of course. And I know for a fact there is a people called the Salted-Tea Drinkers! They come from a place called Sal-Tea Island, that's where they live and also make and drink salted tea. It's the truth!"

"Ohhhhhh", said Garnet in awe. "Can we go? I wonder what these people look like. I'd love to see people made of salt!"

"I bet they're short and smell funny", said Topaz, a smile on his face.

"Well who said they were made of salt," said the eldest friend, "I only said they drink salted tea. But that doesn't mean they're made of salt!"

"So what are they made of then?" Said the youngest.

"Guess we'll have to go there and find out for ourselves!" Replied the excited girl.

"But," said Topaz a puzzled expression on his little face, "if they drink salty tea then they must be really weird people. Salty tea is gross, no one nice would drink that. I bet they're evil!"

"What is disgusting to you might be the best thing in the world to someone else," said Emerald. "You shouldn't judge other people's taste. The fact they love something you don't like doesn't make them evil you know."

"Alright enough with the talk, let's go there already!!!!" Said Garnet who, without the two boys noticing, was already ready to go, waiting by the cabin's door, her backpack on her back.
" YAAAAAAY WE'RE GOING ON AN ADVENTURE!!" Shouted young Topaz in excitement, running to his bedroom ready to pack his things like his friend just did.

"I guess I should pack my things too then," said Emerald as he walked to his bedroom.

Only a few minutes later, the three young friends were reunited on front of the cabin door, ready to go on their adventure. Emerald decided to take for the usual inspirational speech."

"Alright guys," he said, "I never went to Sal-Tea island, I've only read about it in books, but it might be a dangerous place. It's not our first adventure together, but remember what happened to Ruby last time, we don't want this happening again do we? Then promise me you'll be extra careful ok? We all have to be."

"We promise chief!" Said the other two in unison.

"Good! Then let us go and see those salt drinkers for ourselves! Sal-Tea Island, here we come!"

And so the young adventurers left their house, a nice little cabin located in the middle of the forest where no one would bother them. The three friends loved the calm of the forest and the company of the animals. They had their own little garden where Emerald grew different crops to feed his friends and himself. He wish he could grow his own tea, for he had a real passion for tea leaves, but tea wouldn't grow on this soil. He could only buy it at the market for only the tea vendor knew where the wonderful leaves came from. Behind their cabin was a little trail that lead to a small dazzling shrine made of a red stone. Emerald made sure he would go pay its respects to it every morning, offering the most beautiful flower he had harvested on the day. On the shrine was engraved a single word : "Ruby". The trail continued behind the shrine and turned around the cabin all the way to its west side where there was a small pond with a bench to sit at and appreciate the beauty of nature. Topaz and his black toy bunny whom he named "Jet" loved to come here every day to feed the swans. While Emerald and Topaz pretty much stayed inside the cabin area most of the time, Garnet preferred exploring around. She would often wander by the woods and adventure on her own, much to Emerald's dislike. He preferred to know his friends safe and close to the cabin, but he could not stop them from doing what they wanted for that would not be fair. Yet he was so afraid that what happened to Ruby could happen to them, he could not stand even the thought of it.

"So erm... Emerald?" Asked the youngest boy, "how exactly do we get to this mysterious isle?"

"This I know not yet. But I bet the best thing to do first would be to go see the tea vendor. He might I offer us clue as to where this salty tea I bought came from"

"Sounds like a plan," said Garnet, a very serious look on her face. "Let us go then".

And off they went to the market. Before they left their cabin, Emerald double checked if the gate to the "Ruby" shrine was well locked. He did not want any accident to happen again and he could not bear having anyone trespassing this sacred place. With that done, they left and walked for a couple of minutes until they reached the forest market, where all the inhabitants of the Diamond forest would go buy everything they could need. It was always really busy, full of the forest folks. Today was no exception. Our three friends made their way to the tea merchant's stand, which was as always very crowded. The vendor, an elderly man, recognised Emerald straight away and waved at him.

"Hey kids," said the old man, "what can I do for you today?"

"We are coming with a special request today sir," said Emerald, sounding very serious. "That tea you sold me last week, it was very salty."

"Oh dear," replied the old man. "My most sincere apologies, are you here for a refund?"

"No, no that's not it. Actually, we are here to find where it came from. We want to see for ourselves where such a special tea is made."

"Oh, Raldy dear boy, you know I cannot tell you this. Where I get my tea from is a secret, I cannot reveal it to other people or I might get a concurrent. It's business you understand? A man gotta earn a living you know..."

"Sir you owe it to us," said Emerald with a very convincing tone, "this tea was disgusting and unsuited for human taste. Just tell us where it came from and we won't ask for a refund."

"Raldy... You know I can't. I'm sorry. I'll refund it all to you though, and offer you my daily best selection for you to bring back home today, free of charge!"

"Please sir," reprised Emerald, not leaving his convincing tone, "for Ruby's sake. She would have wanted us to find that place I know it, she still does I'm sure of it!"

At the mention of Ruby's name, Topaz and Garnet's faces turned into a grim expression. But at the same time they understood very well what Emerald was doing, and they knew the tea vendor could not refuse him what he was asking for with that argument. He was still feeling responsible for what happened to Ruby.

"... Alright then, follow me you three."

The old man temporarily closed his stand and brought the three friends a bit further from the market so no one would hear their conversation.

"Okay," said the old man, "What I am about to tell you, you must promise you won't tell anyone else ever. I do not know exactly where this tea is made, but I bought it from someone else. If you go see them they will probably be able to tell you..."

A blade suddenly slit the old man's throat before he had time to finish his sentence, as the three young friends watched the scene, horrified. The body collapsed on the floor, revealing a familiar face holding the bloody blade.

"Good day darlings," said the murderer, looking at Emerald, Topaz and Garnet. "It has been a while".

The man who had just killed the old merchant was standing there, a smile on his face. He was an incredibly handsome young man. He was much older than Topaz and Garnet and slightly older than Emerald. He had long black hair, a large lock of it hiding his left eye, giving him a mysterious look. His eyes were bright purple and looked like they could gaze straight into your soul. He was dressed very elegantly, all in black.

"Obsidian..." Said Emerald, his expression of shock suddenly changing into a more serene one. "It has been a while indeed."

Topaz and Garnet were still frozen in place, their mouth wide open.

"It's nice to see you three again," said Obsidian, a big smile on his handsome face. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with that sorry excuse of man" (he said that looking at the dead body of the old man lying on the ground), "and so I thought I would come to ask if you would care to travel with me. So, what say yous?" He started looking at Emerald, "We had good times together you, Ruby and I. The best times. You were family to me the both of you, I miss those days."

"... You know him?" Asked Garnet, looking at Emerald, still trying to process what just had happened.

"Why would we want to travel with a man who cold-blooded murdered an innocent old man???" Asked Topaz, a very angry tone in his voice.

"Oh... Hahaha, trust me my young friend", said Obsidian, laughing, "that man was all but innocent" his expression suddenly turned dark and an evil grin turned on his handsome face "he deserved worse than what just happened to him. He needed to pay for what he did to Ruby."

Emerald turned to his three friends. "Topaz, Garnet. I know this is hard to believe, but Obsidian is right. What happened to Ruby was partially the tea merchant's fault. Now... I agree Obsidian's methods might be a bit extreme, but that's always how he has been. I do not say I approve of all his doing, but I know one thing for certain, it's that his heart is in the right place. Back when both of you were much younger, Ruby, Obsidian and I used to do everything together. We would go on adventures just like we do now. He is right when he says I was his family, he was mine too, and he still is. I would trust him with my life."

"Wait..." Said Garnet, a suspicious look on her face, looking at Obsidian. "I know who you are! Prince Obsidian Alexander, son of the Dark Queen Moonstone Alexander and only heir to the Diamond throne and the Alexander dynasty. They call you the Dark Prince, for you are as dark as your mother and intend to rule following her dreary methods, or so they say..."

"That is right young lady," said Obsidian. "It is I, his royal highness prince Obsidian of the Alexander blood, son of her royal highness Queen Moonstone and his royal highness the late King Lapis-Lazuli. I am impressed young lady, I know for a fact the forest folks do not know much about us, royalty. As you know the secular peace act protects the Diamond forest from other influences. Your forest is a part of the Diamond Kingdom and under the Alexandrian reign, but we never interfere with your affairs. As a matter of fact most of people who live here don't even know they have a Queen, they do not even know there is an outside world, that is how vast the Diamond forest is. It really is a world of his own I must admit, and that is why I have always admired it. They call me the Dark Prince indeed and that is because I follow the teachings of my mother, the Dark Queen. But it is merely a name. Fear is a powerful too when you are a ruler, and we of the Alexander blood use it to our advantage. But enough of it. Of course, your here friend my dear Emerald already knew about all of this. He also knows I break free from the Diamond castle as often as I can, as I feel this forest is home, and Emerald is my family. As he said we used to be very close, but as I got older duty called and I had to be present in the Diamond castle more often. My mother is soon to retire from her reign, and I am to be King, so I had to be there to get prepared. I had to leave the forest, and Emerald and Ruby. I was away when... What happened to Ruby happened. And I could never forgive myself for it. So I have started to seek revenge on all who wronged her, hoping it would make up for me being away from her when she needed me the most. If only I could have been here, maybe none of this would have ever happened..." Obsidian looked down, a sad expression on his face.

Emerald rushed towards him and gave him a tight embrace. "None of it was your fault" said Emerald to his friend.

"I can't help but feeling responsible," replied Obsidian. "That is why I came back. I managed to flee the castle and come back here to be with my family. I do not know you both yet, but I intend to. If of course, you accept me to join you on your quest."

"This was a nice story... But having someone around who kills people just like you did does not make me feel very comfortable," said Topaz, the angry tone still in his voice. "But if Emerald trusts you, then I will too. I guess..."

"Same goes for me" added Garnet.

"It is settled then," said Emerald. "Welcome home dear friend."

"Well, it's all nice and all but you sir just killed our only lead to get to Sal-Tea island", said Topaz, looking at Obsidian and holding Jet tight in his hands. Topaz sure wanted to look tough, but he did not fool his friends, for they knew he had a pure and innocent heart and that truly, he was scared. He did not like people dying, however bad they might be. He could not understand why people would kill each other. To him, life is sacred.

"One would think a prince knows his kingdom young friend," said Obsidian looking at Topaz, a mocking smile on his face. "Turns out one would be right, for I have been to said island before! Now follow me at once, I have a ship at ready!"

"But..." Said Topaz, "what are we to do of the body? Shouldn't we at least bury it?"

Obsidian's face had that dark, evil grin on his face again. "A thing like him deserves to rot like the garbage they are. Now let us go."

Topaz did not like this one bit, but he had no intention to argue. At Obsidian's words, he only held his precious Jet close to his heart. And so they went on their way, following Obsidian. Emerald and the dark prince were leading, having a conversation the two other friends could not get into, as they were reminiscing about the past. Topaz got close to Garnet, holding her hand for comfort as they were walking.

"I don't trust him Garnet," whispered Topaz to his dear friend, "he scares me. What he did was just horrible..."

"I know," replied the girl, "and I agree with you, but at the same time I do trust Emerald and he seems to trust him so we have to accept it for now. Besides, he his our only chance to get to that island. And we both really want to see those people made of salt!"

"Yes we do! I don't care about anything else actually, this adventure is all I'm interested about !!!" Screamed Topaz, is enthusiasm definitely back. Garnet smiled back at him and they all continued their way, following prince Obsidian.


They reach the Diamond Forest harbour, where Obsidian's vessel was waiting, ready for the party to go on their adventure to the mysterious island. The ship was impressive both in size and appearance, and the three young friends could not help but stand in awe in front of its beauty. Topaz, excited as he always was, ran on it before Obsidian could even give them permission to board. The three others followed behind him.

"Welcome aboard the Sable Rose my friends", said Obsidian. "This ship is my pride and joy. It is her who has granted me escape from my kingdom and gives me the freedom I am always dying for. It is on this very ship Emerald, Ruby and I went on our adventures all those years ago. Please make yourselves at home. The crew are under my orders and devoted to me, and they would not be foolish enough to dare disobey me. Ask them whatever you need and they shall grant it to you, for they know if they do not they will have to answer me and trust me, none of them wants that. Make yourselves comfortable, the way to Sal-Tea island will take a couple of days. You each have your own cabin and personal assistant to answer you every need."

"Wow..." Said Topaz in awe. "This ship is... Amazing! And to think we really are going to Sal-Tea island! When Emerald mentioned it, I didn't even think such a place really existed!"

"My friend," replied the prince, "the fact you even imagined the place makes it real. The way you all thought of this place is because it's existence echoed to you. Do you think it is mere coincidence you tasted this awful salty tea? It was fate, you were destined to. Who would have thought such a simple act as drinking a cup of bad tea would lead you on an epic quest? The call of adventure made itself heard, and your ears were wide open!"

"...yeah right..." Replied Topaz, a puzzled expression on his face. "... I'LL GET THE BEST CABIN ON THIS SHIP!!!!!" He screamed as he ran towards the cabins, a big smile on his face.

"No way!" Screamed Garnet as well, running behind Topaz. Emerald could not help but laugh at the scene. The two of them were long gone exploring the ship, leaving only Emerald and the prince on deck.

"Those two sure are feisty aren't they?" Exclaimed Obsidian, a subtle smile on his face. He turned at Emerald, looking straight into his eyes as he was talking. " This is just like the old days. New friends, a new adventure, but it is like it was isn't it?"

"I don't even know what we are doing," replied Emerald. "I know this is what they wanted, to go explore a mysterious island they know nothing about just because I bought the wrong kind of tea. I didn't even know about such an island myself, I invented that story out of nowhere, and it turned out this is where we are actually going and I don't even know for what purpose. This is just so strange, to be back with you on this ship, going on a random adventure like we used to do.... I missed it actually."

"So did I. And you are wrong you know. You think you invented that place from your imagination, but it is not the case. It called to you. It wanted you to imagine it. The salty leaves got to you not by coincidence, they got to you because they wanted you to drink them. They wanted you to imagine where they were from. They wanted to exist. The island wanted to exist. It wanted people to believe in it.... Where we are going, it is a very unique place. It is not like any island you have visited before... I can't tell you more. But when I heard you had the intention to go there, I knew I had to accompany you. I couldn't let you go alone."

"How exactly did you know? We decided this on a pinch, and we didn't tell anyone before we met the tea merchant whom you murdered by the way. So how did you know?"

"... Ruby."

"Oh... So that is how you found out.... Fair enough, I knew she had something to do with it. I could feel it... Even after what has become of her, she still managed to make our paths cross again dear friend." As he said that, he smiled at his old friend. A warm and gentle smile. "I am glad you are back Obsidian, I've missed you so much."

"So did I Emerald... You have no idea how much I am happy to be back by your side." As he said so, he gently passed his hand on his friend's face in a soft caress. "It makes me so happy to see you smile again."

"I am glad this is happening. And I am also tired. Very very tired. Will your majesty show me to my private quarters?" Said Emerald with a playful tone. "I would like to retire for the night if your highness would allow it!"

Obsidian could not help but laugh. A huge smile on his face, he looked at his friend and said "well, you could have your private quarters if you would like, but I have another idea. If you are interested, my private cabin is large enough for two. Would you care to join me for the night? For old time's sake."

"It would be my pleasure your highness."

"There is only one bed though." Said the prince with a playful smile.

"That is what I was hoping you would say," said Emerald, smiling back, "let us go then, your grace."

They both made their way to the prince's cabin. The ship sailed off.  


The courtroom was packed. The defendant had just interrupted herself, a puzzled expression on her face.

"... There are some inconsistencies in this story miss. Some parts just don't make any sense? I bet you have realised it haven't you?" Said the judge.

"I am sorry your honour," replied the defendant. "Recalling those events is hard and I do am trying to make it as sound as can be, I am aware there might be some mistakes."

"Your honour," said the defence attorney, looking at the judge. "We need to privately speak with our client. I would ask for a short break, she needs time to gather her thoughts."

"Agreed." replied the judge. "I call for a short break after which your client will provide a flawless testimony. The court is adjourned."

"Understood" said the defence lawyer, leaving the court with his client for questioning in his office. As soon as they got in, the defendant burst in tears and collapsed on a chair, crying her eyes out.

"I am sorry... I am so sorry..." She said, her voice trembling with her tears.

"I know. Don't worry, we will make this right together."



(C) Copyright 2014 Hope Alexander aka David Giroux for the text and picture

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

100 TC #11 - Blood

Here is number 11 of the 100 Themes Writing Challenge. Thanks for reading :)


All Hail The Queen

“One day, you will be the Queen”

This is what I have been told for as long as I can remember. That one day I would have to rule over this land. I am the next Queen. All this because of what runs through my veins: royal blood. Those who do not have it wish they were born with it, poor souls. I wish this blood was not running through me, I do not want this life and I have never asked for it, but there are some things you just cannot help. This is the Goddess’s will, and that is what has justified my bloodline’s reign for generations. The royal bloodline is the Goddess’s decision. Really, and people believe that. The Queen just fucks one of her cousins and then POOF! - royal babies are born! Yeah, of course, that is all by the Goddess’s will... As if there even was a Goddess. The people I am to rule over are so brainless, ready to believe in anything the authority or the clergy shoves down their throats. And my duty is to keep preaching this faith once I sit on the throne. All that because my mother was the Queen. I will be a terrible, horrible Queen I know it. Yet those fools want me to rule because it is the so called Goddess’s decision, and there is nothing I can do about it.

I might as well make the most of it. They want a Queen, they will get one. These people want someone to rule over them because they are too idiotic to live on their own freedom. They need to be guided like sheep. I will be their shepherd then, if that is what they want. I will bring them to the slaughter myself, since they are so asking for it. They are so mindless they need religion to tell them how to live their lives. It is laughable how they can believe anything and are ready to kneel in front of anyone who claims to have authority. Well I will have these gullible peasants kneel before me if they want it so bad.

They thought blood could decide who rules over them, then so be it. They shall be served. They wanted me to be the Queen, well they will get their Queen. They want someone to control their lives, to tell them what to do because they are too foolish to have control over their own lives; well that is what I shall do. I will dictate how their lives will be lived, decide what is right and what is wrong and punish anyone who dares speak against me or the Goddess they believe in so much. I will make their lives a living hell. I will make them suffer so much they will finally wish I wasn’t their Queen after all. And maybe they will start opening their eyes and see they can be more than sheep.

All hail the Queen. Today my reign begins. 


(C) Copyright 2014 Hope Alexander aka David Giroux for the text

Monday, June 23, 2014

100TC #10 - Silence

I know I am a little bit late for posting this story, but here it finally, number 10 of the 100 Themes Writing Challenge. Sorry for having you all waiting for so long, I hope you enjoy this new post. I present to you Paradise Lust, based around the theme "Silence". This story is 18+ for having some adult content so if that kind of thing offends you please refrain from reading (but if you are on this blog I am pretty sure you are not the kind to be offended by anything xD). Enjoy and let me know your thoughts!


Paradise Lust

I woke up, alone, in this place which was not familiar. I was feeling lost, alone, forsaken. What was going on in my head? I could not recognise these images in my brain. What were they, memories? Dreams? It was so hazy.

It was as if my memory had been erased from my brain. All of my memories were just gone, vanished into thin air. I could not remember a single thing, not even who I was. But that did not matter to me. Deep in my soul I could feel the desire, the intense need to move forward. The road I would take did not matter, I just had to go forward.

I looked around me. My body was shaken by an unbearable cold, which, after a couple of minutes, strangely turned into a nice and cozy warmth. It is that weird sensation that was taking over my body when I looked at that frozen landscape in which I was finding myself. It was so vast and all covered in snow. It was a forest that seemed to be without end. The ground was all white with a snow that first appeared to be cold, but that was strangely inducing in me a feeling of comfort and warmth.

When I looked down, I was surprised to realise I was completely naked. In my birthday suit in this icy landscape, one would think I would be freezing to death, yet surprisingly it was really warm, almost too hot.

Alone, naked, lost, I moved forward in this gigantic forest of ice and snow. The light was strange; between dawn and dusk, it was a light as if the sun was setting and rising at the same time. It was projecting shadows from the trees in different directions, which made the atmosphere rather unsettling. What in the world was this place in which the laws of nature seemed to have no effect? The further I went, the more eerie this light got. I felt like I was in a dream.

I had been wandering for what seemed a couple of hours when I caught glimpse of something in the distance, near a tree. It was a faint gleam near that caught my attention. This strange orb of light was glowing behind a tree, in a strange light that almost seemed... spectral. I could not explain why, but I was attracted to it and I decided to move towards it. However, when I reached the tree, the gleam had disappeared, as if it never had been there in the first place. Had it been real? Or maybe I just imagined it?

I decided to keep moving forward. After walking for a while, I found traces in the snow. Human footprints. I started having hope once again. Finally, I might meet another living soul in this god-forsaken place, someone who could tell me where I was, and help me find my way out of here. But my joy was quick to turn into horror when I realised these footsteps were actually mine... I had been walking in circles, and I was back at my starting point. I was seriously worrying if I was ever going to find a way out of here. Despaired, I collapsed on the ground. The snow was warm and cozy and I decided to use it as a bed to rest for a moment. Laid on my back, I was gazing at the sky. It was of a dark scarlet colour and there was no trace of stars, clouds or sun in it. It was impossible to tell if it was day or night. The immensity of this sky was extremely frightening and was reminding me that despite its open vastness, I was grounded, trapped in this endless forest.

I suddenly started to feel something behind me, a living presence. Surprised, I quickly stood up to see a great white wolf staring right at me with its large azure eyes that seemed to be gazing directly into my soul. Strangely, I was not feeling any bit of fear. I was not afraid of this wolf; it is as if I knew in the bottom of my soul that I could trust it. It was as if by its gaze, the wolf had told me not to be afraid of him. What was he doing here exactly? And how did he find me? Maybe he was like me, lost here, trying to find his way in this eerie forest that seemed to have no way out.

The wolf’s presence mysteriously boosted my will to go on and so I decided to keep moving forward, but in a completely different direction from the one my footsteps were leading to. The wolf was following me everywhere, like a loyal companion. I thought that together, it would be easier to find a way out of this labyrinth. With him by my side I finally started hoping again, believing that I could get out of here.

While we were walking, I noticed once again near a tree that strange ethereal light I had seen before. Its presence made me feel deeply uneasy and I could not explain why. It was as if I was terrorised from the bottom of my soul. Yet, I felt drawn to it. It also seemed to be the case for my companion, who was running towards it at the speed of light. I decided to do like him, but when I reached the tree, the light had already disappeared. My companion seemed to be startled by this as much as I was.

My body was then taken over by an intense shiver when I heard a sound behind me that appeared to be a scream. I barely had time to turn around that I could hear that scream coming from the opposite direction. The scream stopped, and the light appeared again, and this time it was close to me. I moved towards it and it did not vanish. In front of me, a strange floating hazy heap of vaporous light was dancing. I thought for half a second that I could see a hint of a human silhouette in it, but the light started to get too strong for me to be able to see anything. The glow grew in intensity until it completely blinded me.

This lasted for a couple of seconds and then the lighting came back to normal. When I could see again, I was more than surprised to realise I was not at the same place anymore. I was now inside a wood cabin, fairly small and scarcely furnished. There was a bed which looked greatly comfortable, a table in the centre with four stools and a hearth in which there was a cauldron. There was only a small little window, but it was so covered in frost that I could not even see outside. I could distinguish the colours of the forest in which I was lost and so I understood I must not have been very far. I moved towards the door only to see it had no handle. I pushed as strongly as I could on it, but it did not budge a bit. I started to understand I was now a prisoner in this cabin in which I had no idea how I got in in the first place. There was no trace of my white companion; I was once again left all alone.

I was feeling rather tired and so I decided to go lie on the bed for a moment. I must have nodded off, because I suddenly woke up. Waking up when you have not even noticed you have fallen asleep is a slightly disturbing experience. The room had not changed and frost was still preventing me from seeing outside the window. Something surprised me though. My friend, my only companion in this strange land, the white wolf, was back. He was lying on the floor in the corner of the room. As soon as he noticed I was awake, he jumped on the bed to greet me. He got really close to my naked body. I could feel his soft white fur caressing my skin; one of the softest sensations I had ever felt. I started stroking his fur, only to notice it was disappearing. What I was stroking was not fur anymore, it was skin. Human skin. A soft, milky skin that felt like silk to the touch. I took a proper look at my friend and I realised it was not a wolf anymore that was in bed with me, but a man. A very handsome man. Probably the most handsome I had ever seen in my entire life. Even if I tried, I could not help but stare at his naked body, laid there on that bed, just right beside my bare flesh. Strangely, I was not feeling any kind of discomfort or shyness.

He was built like a god, embodying perfection. He had snow white skin and a face like an angel’s, on which were shining the two emeralds that were his eyes. His hair was long and wavy and shined of a bright golden colour. He was a living work of art.

“Who are you? Where are we and just what the hell is going on?” I asked him.

Silence. He did not say a word. Only his eyes started glaring intensely in mine. My body was shaken by a warm thrill. He smiled, and moved his lips onto mine. He started kissing me. Gently at first, but then it got more passionate. He tasted like roses, my favourite. As he was kissing, our naked bodies were enlaced. He was laid on top of me in a tight embrace, caressing my back as he was kissing me intensely.

He suddenly stopped, smiled at me and started kissing my neck. It seemed unreal, how he was not making a single sound. Complete silence. The light was still present in a very weird way as well, as if lights and sounds made no sense anymore. That thought did not bother me for a long time though, as this godly man was now kissing my chest. He kept going down until he reached my cock. Needless to say I was already rock hard; truthfully I had been as soon as this naked man appeared beside me. I could feel his gentle cherry lips around my manhood and it was giving me thrills as I had never experienced before. I could feel his lips moving up and down my shaft and the thrills were getting so strong I thought I would black out. As he was doing it, I stroked his magnificent golden hair. I had never felt anything like it, it was even softer than silk. All these sensations brought together were pure bliss, it was almost unbearable.

He stopped himself, moved his head up and stared at me. He gave me a smile and leaned towards me. He climbed on me and put his legs on each side of my body. He moved his cheeks close to my cock and started rubbing against it. He did it for a while and then slid my cock inside of him. It went in surprisingly smoothly, as if he had already been lubed up. That must have been because he had abnormally soft skin; it was almost like liquid. It was nothing like I had ever touched before.

And so here I was, lying on my back, this beautiful stranger on top of me, my shaft inside his godly body, our flesh fused in an enthralling embrace. He was swaying his hips upon my manhood as I was thrusting with vigor and pushing it deeper within him. Staring intensely through my eyes, he had a subtle smile on his face. I have no idea how long we kept going, it was as if time had lost all meaning. I did not want him to stop, I did not want any of us to reach orgasm. I wanted this to go on forever. And it did. Maybe not forever, but it did seem like it. Until I could not hold it anymore that is. I exploded inside of him in the most intense orgasm I had ever felt. As I did, I heard him moan in pleasure, which was the very first noise he made. He did so as he released his flow onto my body, in sync with my orgasm.

After this, I was paralysed, drained of all my energy. We had not moved and he was still on top of me. His gaze went from my body to my face. His smile was getting larger. He started laughing. A very faint and cute laugh. I could not help but laugh as well; a laugh of pure satisfaction.

His laugh kept going on, and strangely got louder. He laughed louder every second, and it went from adorable to terrifying. His gentle smile transformed into an evil grin, as he kept laughing. Suddenly, he stopped. Silence. He then started sobbing, tears flowing from his eyes. I was so confused, yet I did nothing, my body still unable to move. He was still crying. I thought there was something off about his cry, until I realised his tears were red. It was blood flowing from his eyes. He then stopped crying and started convulsing, as if he was having a seizure. He screamed. An extremely loud, soul-shattering scream. He was still convulsing and fell off the bed. I was panicking, but my body was paralysed. At first, I thought it was caused by the aftermaths of our intercourse, but it was not the case, as I was still paralysed and could not move a finger. When he fell off the bed, I lost sight of him and could not even move my head to check on the floor. He might have been dead and I would not even know. I was nailed down the bed, my naked body covered in sweat and in his blood.

I noticed something was glowing around the window. I could not see outside, but I could clearly see the movement of a faint light, lurking around the cabin. It seemed to be revolving around it. It was getting stronger and moving faster and then... nothing. It stopped, and all lighting disappeared. Everything became pitch black. I could not see a thing, and I still could not move. It was silent, eerily silent. I was terrified. After a bit, I heard moaning on the floor, close to the bed. I recognised the blonde man’s voice. He seemed to be in great pain. “Are you alright?” I asked. His sole answer was a lament. He kept moaning like this for what seemed to me to be an eternity. I could not do a single thing. I was stuck here, in the dark, paralysed, forced to listen to a lament of pain without the power to do anything. His lamentation was getting louder and stronger, and it froze my blood right in my veins. His moaning had turned to screams of agony, constantly getting louder. It was maddening. It went on for what seemed to be hours, and then it suddenly got silent. Nothing. Not a single faint sound. What had happened? Was he dead? I wanted to scream, but nothing came out of my mouth. Had I lost my voice as well?

I had completely lost track of time, here in the dark in utter silence. Until I heard something. I did not recognise what it was at first. It was very faint and seemed to be coming from a faraway distance. It got a little clearer. I could finally recognise what it was. A laugh. The laugh of a little girl. The voice sounded familiar. The sound was coming from the forest and seemed to be far from the cabin, yet it was the only thing I could hear. I opened my eyes (which I had not even noticed were closed), to realise light was finally back.

For an unknown reason, I was not in the cabin anymore, but back in the forest. I was lying in the snow, which felt exactly like the bed in the cabin. The trees around me were the same as before, and the sky was still strangely sunny yet dark like a night sky. Shadows were projected from different sides simultaneously. The snow was warm and cozy and was caressing my bare body. I stood up, relieved to see I was able to move again. So here I was, back to my starting point. Was there no escape from this place? Nothing happening made any sense, but I had stopped wondering about that a long time ago.

I thought the best was to keep walking, even though that was unlikely to lead me anywhere. So I walked for a rather long time, not knowing if I was making any real progress, since the forest always looked the same. It was as if the trees were an identical copy of each other, and as if each step forward was bringing me backwards. After long moments of walking throughout the unmoving landscape, I noticed smoke in the distance. I ran towards it. The smoke was coming from a chimney on a log cabin which seemed out of place in this deserted forest. As I got closer, I could see people through its window. A naked man, his back to the glass. He had long blonde hair. I recognised him. When I got closer, I could see he was... busy. He was having sex with a man I could not see from where I was. I was shocked... I thought that man might have been dead, considering he was screaming in agony earlier on, and now here he was, fucking another man. And he seemed to enjoy it. A lot. I could not help but stare at the scene. I started to feel a warm rush of blood flowing down my body. What the fuck was wrong with me? This was not the time for that at all. I peered through the window to try to get a proper look at that other man in bed with the blonde guy.

What I saw horrified me. The other man... was me. I was looking at myself, thrusting my cock inside that handsome devil. How? What was going on? I had closed my eyes for a second, in shock, and when I opened them I screamed. The blonde man was now facing the window and staring right at me from the other side, that grin on his face like he had before. I was scared to death and ran away.

I was running fast. Really fast. Too fast. How could I do it? I looked down at my body... I was not myself anymore. I was a wolf. A white wolf, like the one who was with me before and turned into that man. Discovering that did not stop me from running. My wolf legs were very swift in the snow and I wanted to get as far away from there as I could. So I ran and ran and I was not even feeling tired. I dashed for a long time yet my surroundings did not seem to change the least. It was very subtle, but everything seemed to be darker. The chaotic shadows cast by the trees seemed to be longer and more opaque.

I had to stop myself from running when I heard something faint in the distance. That little girl’s laugh again. It seemed to always be distant, yet I could hear it somehow. Why was it so familiar? My hearing as a wolf was stronger and I so I decided to go where the laugh was coming from. I was running towards it, but I could not seem to ever get to the source of it. It was now coming from a different direction. Scanning my surroundings, I noticed something glowing. It was that spectral light, again... I followed it, but it vanished as I got close to it. I noticed red stains on the snow. Could it be blood? I followed them and heard a moaning of pain not far from where I was. I recognised that voice and hurried towards it, only to realise I was in front of that log cabin once again.

I should have been miles away from there, yet here I found myself once more. I did not have much time to think about that, for the agonising voice was quick to bring me back to reality. It was coming from behind the cabin, where I hurried to. A body was lying in the snow, covered in rashes, scratches and fresh open wounds. He had long blonde hair... that was him again. He was bleeding a dangerous amount. I got close to him to have a better look at his state. He was unconscious, probably even dead. His body was a mess; he had been butchered and was lying in a pool of blood. The wounds on his body seemed to have been done by claws and I could see bite marks on his flesh... A wolf must have had attacked him, it looked like the kind of wounds I could inflict in the shape I was in. As I was standing horrified in front of this horrible scene, I started feeling a presence behind me. I heard a laugh. That same familiar young girl laugh as before, except this time it was right behind me. I turned around. Nothing. Where was it coming from?

“You did this to yourself.”

Said a little girl’s voice behind me. I turned back. No sign of any little girl, but the mutilated body had changed. It was not the blonde man anymore. Despite the poor state of the body, I recognised it... It was me. As soon as I saw this, I started feeling an unbearable pain taking over my body. Everything went black. I must have fainted.  

I slowly came back to my senses. I opened my eyes. My surroundings did not seem familiar. Where was I? It was as if my memories had been erased from my brain. I was feeling so lost and alone. I could not remember a single thing, not even who I was. Where was I? How did I get here? I looked around me. I was in the middle of a vast forest covered in snow which, strangely, was feeling warm. I did not recognise this place at all. I had no idea why I was here and how I got there, but I knew one thing: I had to get out of here. And so I started moving forward, hoping to find my way in this strange forest I had never seen before.  


(C) Copyright 2014 Hope Alexander aka David Giroux for the text
Artwork by Ayami Kojima

Monday, June 16, 2014

Teaser - 100TC #10 : Silence - Paradise Lust -

Hello readers,

I know it has been ages since I have posted anything new for my 100 Themes Writing Challenge. I can assure you though, I have not been lazy and number 10 is coming soon! And since it's the 10th post for this challenge, I decided to do something extra special with it. So this short story will be a lot longer than my previous ones. I shall post it online soon, but for those of you who cannot wait, I decided to do this post to offer some insight about it and hopefully, get you excited to read it (and my upcoming posts as well). 

The short story I am about to share with all of you soon is titled Paradise Lust, and is the tenth entry of the writing challenge, which is based around the theme "Silence". When I got to number 10, I'd say I got a writer's block. The word "silence" wasn't giving me any kind of inspiration. Until I had a looked into one of my many notebooks to stumble onto an old short story I had started writing ages ago but that I had never finished (to be honest I had barely started it). I thought it did suit the theme silence, and I felt really inspired to finish that story at last. I think the reason why I had shelved it back in the days was because it was a rather ambitious and experimental idea. Something like I had never really done before. But to me, that is exactly what the 100 Themes Challenge is about, with it I try to explore new horizons and experiment with new techniques and topics among other things. So I'd say this challenge is to me kind of a writing laboratory, and that is why your comments are always welcome and appreciated. I like seeing what you like and dislike about what I write and use that to perfect my art ;)

Paradise Lust is a very special text. As most of my writing, it all started with a dream I had about a year ago, back when I was in England (good old days). The dream was only a starting point though and the story isn't what I dreamt at all, it evolved a lot from that. Anyway, I say it is a special text because it is a short story, without being one. I see it more as a painting, a landscape painted with words; to be more precise, it's not a landscape, but a nightmarescape. That is the best I could use to describe it. Making the landscape the central character of the story was something new for me and something I think might be enjoyable to read.

Another thing I have never published before that is present in this story is... I want to tell you all, but I don't want to spoil too much about my story. If you want to know keep reading, but if you don't well you can always come read this after you've read the text for yourself. Let's get to the point, there might be (and by might be I mean will be xD) a very graphic sex scene in this text. Everyone who reads me knows sex is always an important part of what I write, but it is never clearly present. Yet in this story I decided to go with something very graphic, and that is new for me (I hope I haven't been too clumsy with that; fanfiction writers /readers please don't be too hard on me XD). I must say though, it was very enjoyable to do, and I am satisfied with what it brings to the overall story. If that kind of things offend you, I would advise you not to read this story. You are warned! 

Well I think I have said enough. Maybe even too much XD. I will do all I can to post it in the coming days. I have finished writing it, but there is still a lot of polishing to do. I do hope you will appreciate reading it!

See you all soon,



Art : Eerie light-forest by Zlain81 on DeviantArt, all rights to the artist
(C) Hope Alexander aka David Giroux for the text

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

100TC #9 - Insanity

I know I have not posted a new text for a long time, and I am sorry. But inspiration is something that has to come by itself, and forcing it does not always give good result, so I prefer taking my time to do things properly ;) So here is the 9th entry of my 100 Themes writing challenge, based on the theme "Insanity".


Sex And Whiskey

She was a strong woman. She was about to give birth to her first child. Well she hoped to, her last attempt at having a child had been a failure. Stillborn, her baby died before he even came to life. She was scared to death about it happening again, and she prayed to all the gods to hear the baby cry. It was time, the baby was here. She had been drugged by the doctors to avoid birth complications. For some reason she was still half-conscious. She had no idea how long she had been on the hospital bed with the doctors surrounding her, but she could still see them even though she couldn't not feel a thing. Their voices were muffled and her sight was clouded, yet she was still half aware of what was going on. After what seemed to be hours, the baby had finally come out of her womb. She fell unconscious.

I woke up, feeling real bad. I felt like I was having the worst hangover of my life. Where was I? I could see shapes and shadows walking around me, but I couldn't see much, nor hear much either for that matter. It was like there was a giant storm around my head, shielding me from what was going on in the outside world. And that pain in my head, it was as if I had just been hammered. What on earth could have happened, where was I? Who was I? 

The young man prayed to all the gods everything would go well. He had only just started on the job, and he felt like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. Maybe not the world, but at least one life depended on him. Maybe even two. He had to succeed. He was well aware of how the previous attempt ended in failure and he surely did not want to be the one linked to it. He would feel responsible, and he could never forgive himself if it did fail. Taking a deep breath, he moved forward.

That feeling of the first sip from a glass of aged whiskey, there is nothing like it. I can feel it go down my throat and into my stomach into a long, nice and warm embrace. There is nothing else in the world like it. Keeps me warm when the outside world is so cold, like a hug from a past that used to be good, unlike this full of shit present, and an even bleaker future if you ask me. I have nothing else left now. I have made mistakes in the past and they will follow me to my grave. Whiskey is my only friend now, the only thing that keeps me alive. Keeps the madness at bay. Meh, it is better than all the suffering I guess. That was not my fault, yet they blamed it on me, the bastards. And because of them my life is lost forever. I have no reason left to go on.

What is life to someone who barely has the time to breathe it? Is there really nothing for someone who dies before being brought into the world? Or maybe there is something after all? Maybe what is for us the glimpse of a second is for them a whole lifetime? Who knows those things? No one? Lies! I do, because I have lived it. There is no one to hear my dying thoughts, except maybe you, whoever you are. You will know how it is. A life of death. What fate it is to be born only to die right after? I did not even have time to live, nor to actually learn how to talk... So how is it I am using words in my thoughts if I do not even know what words are? Are we born with the gift of the Verb, even if we think we do not know how to use it? Are we born out of something that died? I do not know, but here I am thinking, even though I should not. Maybe I should stop thinking. Yet there is no such thing as not thinking. No matter how hard you try, you cannot not think, and that even if you do not have a brain. So here I think. And the writer types what I think. And you reader read what he typed. And so we are one. You are inside me through him. It is like a threesome when you think of it. We are sharing a sexual experience here. Is it not great? I liked sex in my time! Or did I? Actually I do not think I ever experienced it. Or maybe I did. Anyway it was great. Or not. I do not know. What do you care anyway? Leave me alone, get out of my head.

The voices would not stop haunting him since that day. Voices of the dead, of people who suffered because of him. The more he would go on, the less sense they made. As this, this did not make sense.

You read this yet you do not. Reading those sentences, you scratch your head. The memories of the dying. You wonder what is the link between all those paragraphs. Maybe the writer is just trying to fool me, you think. Maybe I am losing my time reading this. That is exactly what you are thinking. You close your eyes, trying to make sense out of this. Yet you cannot understand something so senseless. You decide reading this is not worth your time. You have better things to do. This is just plain insane, you think as you click off the tab on your internet browser.


(C) Copyright 2014 Hope Alexander aka David Giroux for the text
Painting by Edgar Degas (1876)

Monday, May 12, 2014

100TC #8 - Memory

8th entry of the 100 Themes writing challenge. For my previous entry I have been doing mostly short stories. This one will be a bit different, it is more of a poetic text and is open to interpretation, I hope you enjoy :)


Call of Mnemosyne

The sound of church bells...

I remember

I remember a church. I see a sea of people in ceremony garb. A king and a queen, and obviously nobility. They are crying. A coffin is being carried. People are mourning. Who died? Who is being mourned? Could it be me?

The scent of spring flowers...

I remember

A large garden, not from this time. Going farther than the eye can see. People watering the flowers, gardeners hard at work. A magnificent garden that is almost a work of art. I look at it from a balcony. Where am I? Is this a caslte? Could this be my house?

The sight of an old house...

I remember

I remember white stairs. All in white, hidden behind a hidden door. Windows bringing in a faint light in the secret staircase. The white stairs are going up. What could be on the upper floor?

The feel of the summer sun on my skin...

I remember

Warm sand under my bare feet. I am trapped in it, I cannot move. I am getting sucked in. In the distance I can admire magnificent buildings. I scream but no one can hear me. Is this how I died?

The taste of jasmine tea in the morning...

I remember

I remember a magnificent city, and a banquet full of exotic dishes, the scent of jasmine filling the air. Hundreds of guests attending, their heads turned towards me. Is this in my honour?

The sight of blood...

I remember

Someone having a heart attack. I hurry towards them, they need help. I get some tools and help them breathe. How do I have this talent?

The burning passion of sex...

I remember

I remember a handsome man, naked, enlaced with me. We are careful not to be seen. We cannot be seen together. He holds me tight in his arms. Is he my lover?

Only faint images, pictures flashing in my head like memories from a past I have never lived. Unless I have lived another life, or maybe more than one? I remember it, it is unclear, only fragments. But I remember it. These flashes are as real as any other memory. Yet what are memories, are they all real or only the product of our imagination? And what if imagination and memories were both the truth, what if they were one and the same? I know one thing for sure, I do not belong here. I remember where I truly belong and no fake memories will take that away from me.


(C) Copyright 2014 Hope Alexander aka David Giroux for the text
Painting : Mnemosyne by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1881)